Offerings from The Sacred Brush Creative Studio

The workshops that I offer have their foundation in the Intentional Creativity® method  which includes a mindfulness observation of your inner narrative. 
I hold an Artist Shaman and Teacher archetype, and invite you to consider inquiry based learning as a way that can bring about inner transformation,  exploration and insight into yourself.
“You are the Art and the Art is in You!”
I really believe in you being your own expert and embracing your own authentic being, but we all need support right! this means exploring some layers of your story that you hold and integrating these into your NOW story.  Ask yourself, if not now, when?
All my workshops require NO artistic or painting experience but if you do, thats fine too! I’m open to learning from you as well!
Intentional Creativity is a step by step process and inquiry based learning provides opportunities for you to reflect and express.  I will often invite you to journal along the way so you capture arising thoughts and feelings.
Any of my offerings can be emailed to you, just register and receive updates directly to your email.  I’ll be updating on social media platforms as well, so make sure you follow there too. 
Workshops will be themed around a particular issue and numbers for each workshop will be limited.  If you have a particular them you would like to do a workshop on and it is not currently available, please email me so we can discuss how to make this happen for you.  

Just click on the green button to the right and this will open a new window which will take you to my online studio space held in a secure online platform via New Zenlar® where you will find my all online workshops and offerings.  Id love to see you there!!
Make sure you subscribe so I can let you know when I have updates and something new and wonderful, and when you do subscribe, you get access to my Free Offering Vault..yay! 

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No matter our colour, culture or how we identify, spirit is what we share, its what connects us. If we indigenise 'beauty', this meaning is transformed from being just aesthetically pleasing to a state of divinity. Beauty now becomes spirit manifested, not only is spirit found within us, it is in all things, its in the landscapes, in the elements"

Sasha Sarago - Decolonising Beauty